Welcome to our SDG series: SDG 3 Good health and well-being

Welcome to our SDG series: SDG 3 - Good health and well-being


This week we highlight Medtronic, a global medical technology company contributing to SDG 3 -Good Health and Well-Being.

Medtronic develops and provides a wide range of medical devices, including pacemakers, insulin pumps, ventilators, and surgical tools, which are essential in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various health conditions. These devices improve the quality of life for individuals with chronic illnesses and acute medical needs.

They therefore invest heavily in research and development to create medical technologies. This innovation results in the development of new medical treatments and interventions that can lead to improved health outcomes, reduced pain, and better disease management.

Medtronic works on making healthcare more accessible, particularly in disadvantaged communities. They collaborate with governments, NGOs, and healthcare providers to expand access to healthcare services and medical devices, helping to bridge gaps in healthcare inequality. Finally, Medtronic offers training and educational programs to healthcare professionals to ensure the safe and effective use of their products.

Medtronic contributes to SDG 3 by creating life-saving medical devices, promoting innovation, enhancing healthcare access, and investing in healthcare capacity to improve global health and well-being.

Stay tuned for next week to discover which company we will be highlighting for Quality education (SDG 4).

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