Welcome to our SDG series: SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and infrastructure

Welcome to our SDG series: SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


HSBC Malaysia represents the branch of HSBC operating in Malaysia, offering a range of banking and financial services to individuals, businesses, and corporations within the country. HSBC Malaysia focusses on SDG 9; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

HSBC provides financial support and expertise for infrastructure projects, including transportation, energy, telecommunications, and water supply. These investments contribute to building resilient and sustainable infrastructure. They therefore support innovative businesses and startups by providing financial services and resources. This backing fosters technological advancements and innovation, crucial for sustainable industrialization.

HSBC collaborates with governments, organizations, and stakeholders to support sustainable infrastructure and industrialization projects. These partnerships help align their efforts with SDG 9 objectives. The bank engages in knowledge-sharing activities to promote best practices related to sustainable infrastructure and industrialization. Additionally, they monitor and report on the environmental and social impacts of their financing and investments to ensure transparency and accountability.

Through these strategies and practices, HSBC contributes to the advancement of SDG 9 by promoting sustainable and inclusive industrialization, resilient infrastructure development, and fostering innovation within the communities and regions it operates. By tracking and reporting on the environmental and social impacts of its financing and investments, HSBC can uphold transparency and accountability.

Next week we will continue with SDG 10 about reduced inequalities, where we will reveal a brand new company that contributes to this goal.

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